[TLTB00009] Tài liệu đào tạo động cơ J2, JT, JTA, D4BH xe K2700

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Tài xế O-H
The diesel engine is an internal combustion engine that uses the heat of compression to ignite a fuel charge. Mechanical ignition components used in gasoline engines, such as spark plugs, coils, and distributor assemblies, are not required for ignition. Instead, as the piston in a diesel engine cylinder moves upward on its compression stroke, it compresses the air in the cylinder. The air temperature in the cylinder increases to the point that the diesel fuel ignites as it is injected into the cylinder.
J2, JT, JTA, and D4BH TCI engine is mounted on the K2700 and Pregio. In this chapter J2, JT and JTA engines are mainly introduced. And D4BH TCI engine will be followed.





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